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How to Create a Successful Refugee Sponsor Group: A Step-by-Step Guide for Welcome Corps!

Updated: Jan 15

Step 1: Gaining Insight into the welcome corps initiative and verifying refugee eligibility

Before you start, it's crucial to understand the goals and requirements of the Welcome Corps program. This U.S. government initiative allows groups of five or more individuals to come together to support refugees. The program emphasizes community involvement in helping refugees integrate into American society.

please follow this link to verify the eligibility. click me

Step 2: Forming Your Group 5 Sponsor Team

Finding Your Team:

  • Reach out to friends, family, and community members who share a passion for helping others.

  • Utilize social media and community forums to find interested participants.

  • Hold an informational meeting to discuss goals and responsibilities.

When forming your group, consider the following aspects:

For information specific to Private Sponsor Groups, please refer to the accompanying slide.

Note: It is important to note that income or employment verification is not a requirement for this process.

Step 3: Complete group background checks

For initiating background checks, click here and follow the provided link to the background check page.

Note: Ensure to use the special code during the background check process. If group members are requested to enter a 'GOOD DEED' code, please use the code 'wcorps4'.

Step 4: Complete online training

To access the essential training, please click here and follow the link. After clicking, you will be directed to a page that looks like this. Remember to complete your registration before attempting to sign in.

online course content and knowledge check

Step 5: Complete The Welcome Plan

Please download this sample plan form

When creating your Welcome Plan checklist, ensure it includes the following key points:

Step 6: Sign The Commitment Form

For the commitment form please click here

Step 7: Begin Fundraising

For more detail and guide on fundraising, follow click here

Step 8: Application Submission

Please note that only the group's designated coordinator can create an account and submit the application.

Here is the application link: clickMe

Step 9: Submit Your Application

expectation after certification

After Arrival to USA

Step 10: Uncertain about the next steps? Click here to schedule a one-on-one consultation with me for personalized guidance.

Step 11: For additional updates and insights on Welcome Corps and technology, keep following this page.


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